Tuesday, December 18, 2007

Lot's going on!

Well, it's almost Christmas. We've had a lot going on. Janice completed her student teaching and is officially done with her schooling for getting her teaching credential. Yay! Now she's getting ready to take her tests. She already has had one school as her to apply for a long term sub position. Pretty cool.

We had an ice storm last week that many here are still recovering from. It was beautiful but dangerous. Fortunately, we never lost our power and the farmhouse we are staying in didn't have any tree limbs fall on the house - but a couple glanced off the roof as they went down. My truck would have gotten totaled if I hadn't moved it from under a tree. A branch came down right where it was parked ten minutes after I moved it. It had to be a God thing.

Our house is coming along - we've got our lower cabinets in the kitchen - I'm almost done with the kitchen counter tiling and we've made a lot of headway with finishing electrical (minus a few fixture installations) and we've started painting inside. We hope to be moving in around January 15th.

We hope to see lots of people in California over Christmas time. We'll be flying in on the 25th and flying out on January 2nd.
Beautiful ice!

Janice enjoying teaching


Jamie said...

Wow! Those are some cool pictures Dad! Hopefully you won't get any more ice so that you can fly out on time! Look forward to seeing you SOON!

Lisa said...

Way cool Porters! The ice pictures are awesome. Maybe we can actually get to see you this year!?! Merry Christmas