Janice is busy with her student teaching and loving being in the classroom. The difficult thing is the busy schedule with all the driving here and there along with her night class on Wednesdays. Thankfully, it only lasts a few months. She'll be done at the end of this semester.
Things are going great at our new church. The people are wonderful and Bruce really feels comfortable being himself.
Our new house is coming along nicely. We're about 8-10 weeks behind schedule because of one of the wettest years ever! But we've got a really nice "farmhouse" we're renting about three miles out of town until our house is habitable. We're hoping to move in by Thanksgiving - which we think is realistic. We've decided to leave the basement "unfinished" for now and tackle that after we've moved in.
With the kids in Kansas!
Welcome to the wonderful world of blogging. Hope to see some pics of your house and how it's coming along. We also love that we are able to keep up with you and be able to actually "see" you via web cam. Miss you lots.
Ben and Alli
Bruce and Janice, so nice to see you in blog world!
Hi Bruce and Janice! What a delight to see you in world of blogging! Now we'll be able to catch-up with you whenever we want. Too cool.
Looking forward to more posts!
The Alvey Family
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