So, what would Bruce have looked like if he was a senior in high school in 1994 and 1996 like Jamie and Ben? Bruce took his senior picture and downloaded it on to the site Ben referred to - Here's the results.
My son Ben (connect to his blog) told me about this site where you can make a cartoon image of yourself. What do you think? Does it really look like me?
OK...It seems like building our house is taking a lot longer than we thought. But, it sure is nice when a project gets done and it all comes together like you wanted. Here's a picture of the fireplace Bruce designed and built. Marizzi tile with Cherry Hickory wood. It turned out great.
For those who were wondering about the lineage of our new puppy - she's part lab - part border collie - and part who knows what. A vet seemed to think there must also be some Australian Shepherd in there some where too. She's turning out to be a great little dog.
Janice has done a great job with her garden this summer. She's really looking forward to harvesting her pumpkins. Our little patch should produce several regular pumpkins for carving and eating along with a few mini pumpkins for decorations. How fun to be so close to Fall! The weather is cooling off, we hear the football team practicing after school, and some of the maze is starting to turn to fall colors.
Yes, we have a new member of our family - Bella. Isn't she a cutie? She is a mixed breed - How about telling us what you think her mix is? We'll reveal the secret after a few have made their guess. She's doing really well - kinda knows her name and "come". She's starting to get the outdoor potty idea - we've got to keep close tabs on her, but she's doing remarkably well. Our other dog, Emily is "putting up with" the kid, letting herself be mauled, tugged,and generally harassed. She growls when she's had enough, but we've not had to break up a dogfight yet. I don't think we will have to. They really get along very well which we're happy for.